Crab Kicks

Crab Kicks

Crab Kicks, Want to accelerate your heart rate while maintaining your muscles under tension??? Try Crab Kicks! Whole body exercise that strengthens the lower and the upper body simultaneously. Plus, they put a good strain on your cardiovascular system. Crab kicks...


Most people want to burn fat while retaining or building muscle mass. Dealing with an array of clients in New York and all over the world, I emphasize the importance of accelerating the heart rate. Many times I see people working out but they are not even sweating or...
Top Reasons for Strength Training

Top Reasons for Strength Training

By now, everyone knows that exercise is amazing for the body. Yet, not all types of exercise are the same. Strength training is a type of exercise where resistance is used to induce contraction in the muscles, building strength, anaerobic endurance, and size of...
No Muffin Tops here… High Protein Muffins!

No Muffin Tops here… High Protein Muffins!

High Protein Devil’s Food Muffins Fortunately, many people nowadays are looking to have healthier lifestyles and be fitter. As a mentor and trainer in New York, people always ask me about alternative options to their so-called healthy breakfasts. They want to...
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