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Another holiday season is upon us and with it all the excitement that accompanies it, as well as all its chaos. Let’s find out Tips for a Healthier Holiday Season.

The holiday season commemorates a tradition of cultural or religious importance. At the same time, it can serve as a period to enjoy the company of your loved ones, have better interactions, and center yourself – even if you don’t celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, or Kwanzaa.

Many times, we get caught up in the rush and chaos of the holiday season and lose sight of its true meaning. Most times, this period becomes a time of pandemonium, lethargy, material excess, bingeing, and/or conflict. Maybe this year, we can approach it in a different manner. 


  • Remember that what you eat has a direct impact on your body and your mind. Even if you are eating a little extra, do not neglect your daily dose of organic vegetables and fruits, lean proteins, and healthy fats
  • Keep yourself hydrated. Drink at least 3 liters of water daily
  • If you drink alcohol and don’t want to get a hangover, it helps to drink water in between drinks. Also, if you drink a lot, you can take a teaspoon of non-aluminum baking soda with water
  • Take supplements to fill in the nutritional gaps in your diet. Even if your diet is on point, the food supply is vitamin and mineral-deficient and impacts your body. You should be taking, at least, a whole-food multivitamin, probiotics, vitamin C, vitamin D, Omega 3s (fish oil, krill oil, or cod liver oil), and powdered greens

Tips for a Healthier Holiday Season

Remain Active

  • The latest coronavirus outbreak exposed the diseased state of our society and COVID-19 policies contributed to the deterioration of our health. When the body is overwhelmed with ailments, the immune system can’t efficiently counteract foreign invaders, and the body experiences multiple symptoms and even death. Despite the holidays, you should avoid sedentarism!
  • Exercise is not an option, it’s a necessity. Incorporate cardio and strength training at least 4 times a week into your routine to avoid succumbing to illness.

Cultivate a Healthy Mind & Spirit

It helps to have a holistic approach when dealing with the holidays.  It is not only about keeping your body healthy. You must keep your mind and spirit on the right track.

Here are a few tips to keep you sane during this holiday season:

  • Be Joyful: Engage in activities that make you happy, such as spending time with your loved ones, cooking, dancing, drawing, exercising, etc.
  • Don’t Stress: When stressful situations come up, recognize that all is a matter of perspective and that in every problem, there is an opportunity
  • Let go of Control: Accept that you cannot control other people or even outcomes, sometimes. You only have control over your thoughts, attitudes, actions, and reactions
  • Remain Optimistic: If you are going through rough times, keep your focus on the positives available and desired results
  • Relax: Do things to allow your mind to quiet down and soothe your body
  • Be Grateful: Make a habit of being thankful, at the beginning or end of the day, for all you have
  • Maintain a Giving Attitude: Donate or give away material stuff that you don’t use. But it’s not all about monetary stuff, give guidance and your time when possible to those who could benefit from them

Foster Healthier Interactions

  • Show your appreciation for your loved ones
  • Treat others like you want to be treated
  • Set healthy boundaries and respect others’ boundaries
  • Avoid negative commentary. We are all different and we do not have to like or approve of others’ behaviors or lifestyles. If you do not have anything positive or constructive to say, don’t say anything.
  • Let go of expectations and the need to be appreciated. Even if you treat people in a great way, know that they are not necessarily are going to reciprocate. So, don’t expect it.
  • With the aim of keeping a joyful state, stay away from negative toxic people if possible. This helps you to avoid unnecessary drama.
  • Prepare for conflict and do not engage. Know that even if you are in a positive jolly mood, some people are going to create conflict and even lash out at you. Do not let them suck you into their chaotic lifestyle and drain your energy.
  • When dealing with unavoidable conflictive people, it helps to look at them as damaged children since, many times, their unhealthy upbringing helped create their negative patterns. This doesn’t mean that you tolerate or approve of their behavior. Remind yourself to be patient and try to just observe – don’t engage.
  • Know your limits and feel free to walk away if you need to. Go outside, get some air, and take some time to center yourself.
  • Take responsibility for all you do and everything that happens in your life. In one way or another, it is all your creation.

Don’t Just Survive the Holidays… Truly Enjoy them!!!

I Wish you a Magnificent Holiday Season!!!

To a Fitter Healthier You,

Adriana Albritton

The Fitness Wellness Mentor

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