Start Cupping!!!

Start Cupping!!!

Cupping is a form of alternative therapy in which a local suction is created on the skin. It is the inverse procedure of a massage – rather than applying pressure down towards an area, it uses gentle pressure pulling upwardly.  Cupping has been used in...
Deal with Depressive Moods Naturally

Deal with Depressive Moods Naturally

We all feel blue from time to time, which is normal depending on the circumstances we encounter. But do you feel sad most times than not? If so, you may be depressed. Depression or major depressive disorder is a serious mood disorder that affects your daily activities...
Gym Owners and Fitness Professionals

Gym Owners and Fitness Professionals

Do you own a gym or are a fitness professional? Subscribe to Gym Owner Monthly magazine to get the latest fitness trends and business strategies. It will help you to grow a successful enterprise and keep making a positive impact in people’s lives. Here is the...
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