Dumbbell Fly: Muscles, Benefits, Mistakes, Form

Dumbbell Fly: Muscles, Benefits, Mistakes, Form

As a fitness professional, I see that most men love to train their chests and most women love to neglect these muscles. It is understandable why men love to train it since a well-developed chest carries a presence of grandeur. On the other hand, most women neglect...
Staggered Pushups

Staggered Pushups

The Pushup is amazing for the body. It is a compound exercise that activates most upper body muscles. Primordially, it challenges the chest along with the triceps, shoulders, and biceps, but the core muscles are also activated. A variation of the standard push-up is...
Benefits of Cobras

Benefits of Cobras

Another great exercise for your back is the Cobra. Bhujangasana or Cobra is a back-bending yoga pose. It not only strengthens your back but many more muscles and it is highly beneficial for your whole body! BENEFITS OF COBRAS Strength: Cobra poses help you get...
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