6 Benefits of Sit-Ups

6 Benefits of Sit-Ups

Benefits of Sit-Ups: It’s always advisable to add variety to your routine. Different exercises help you achieve better results and prevent that your body habituates. This principle applies to your core workouts as well.  Your core includes the muscles in your...
The 3 Most Engaging Ab Exercises

The 3 Most Engaging Ab Exercises

Everyone wants lean and sculpted abs. But do you know what are the most effective ab exercises? In recent years, many products and exercises have promised the best and fastest results in abdominal training.  But how do you know what is the most efficient path to...
Mountain Climbers with a Twist

Mountain Climbers with a Twist

outdoor exercise without equipment Do you want to maximize your time at the gym, get fitter, stronger, and leaner?  The mountain climber is a great multifunctional calisthenic exercise that works your full-body. Mountain Climbers engage muscles all over your body....
Benefits of Hanging Knee Raises

Benefits of Hanging Knee Raises

Hanging Knee Raises is another amazing exercise for the core. It is a great compound exercise. Compound exercises are favorable since they involve multiple set of muscles, facilitating fat loss efforts and multiple join engagement. Doing Hanging Knee Raises...
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