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Everything that you eat has a direct impact on your body. This is why it’s extremely important to eat high-quality food, such as organic food. The popularity of organic food has been steadily increasing over the past years. Yet many people still buy conventional produce and food-like products. Let’s examine if organic food is worth it.

Differences Between Organic and Conventional Food

Some people think that organic food is “too expensive,” while others think that there is no difference between regular food and the so-called organic “highly-priced” food. However, the difference is enormous!

Here are some differences between organic and conventional food:

Toxicity Levels

Conventional foods are mass-produced foods that don’t have an organic label. Non-organic foods have toxic ingredients such as antibiotics, pesticides, herbicides, additives, preservatives, and allergens. Organic farming practices avoid the use of synthetic pesticides and herbicides, as well as genetically modified organisms (GMOs).

Toxic ingredients accumulate in the body and contribute to the development of diverse health conditions. Research shows that high toxicity causes headaches, nausea, weakness, respiratory issues, nerve disruption, and even cancer. Therefore, lowering the toxic load is recommended via detoxification.

Nutrient Content

Organic farming avoids the use of toxic compounds and focuses on soil health and biodiversity, which can result in produce with higher levels of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. These nutrients are essential for supporting overall health, including brain function, which can be particularly important for individuals with neurodevelopmental disorders.

In comparative studies, organic vegetables have been shown to have greater nutritional benefits. They have higher concentrations of vitamin C, Fe, K, Ca, and P, and lower levels of sodium and nitrates. Additionally, organic dairy is not as damaging to the skin as conventional dairy.

In a literature review, Crinnion 2010 reported that organic food is associated with greater nutritional values and lower toxin levels. Organic produce offers significantly larger levels of vitamin C, iron, magnesium, and phosphorus, and significantly lower residues of nitrates and pesticides than non-organic varieties of the same foods.

At the same time, organic produce supplies greater levels of antioxidant phytochemicals (anthocyanins, flavonoids, and carotenoids). These compounds provide a potent suppressor effect to toxic compounds, which induce cell mutation and cancerous conditions.

organic food


Organic food supports sustainable agriculture. Choosing organic foods supports environmentally friendly farming practices, which can have broader benefits for human health and well-being in the long term.

Investment in Health

A study of over 1,200 food consumers found a strong correlation between organic food consumption and higher educational levels. More consumers of organic foods had science education backgrounds and knowledge of the genetic engineering of foods.  Organic food consumers rated health and food nutritional content as the most important motivating factors in making food choices. On the other hand, many non-organic consumers rated price as very important. It seems that health consciousness is the incentive behind purchasing organic.

Reasons for Not Buying Organic

  • Being unaware of toxicity in conventional foods: If you are still consuming conventional food because of a lack of knowledge, now it’s time for a change. Not knowing the difference between organic and conventional food is not an excuse anymore. If you are not convinced about the benefits of organic food, you can do more research and keep educating yourself.
  • Thinking there is no difference between organic and conventional foods: If you are still consuming conventional food because you don’t think it matters, now you know there is a real difference between conventional and organic food. Unhealthy food is associated with type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, coronary artery disease, gastric and skin disorders, allergies, weight gain, inflammatory conditions, and more.
  • Price: In the matter of organic food being more expensive, you must realize that it’s about quality. Organic food is better food and you always pay more for quality. Would you prefer to buy a house in a dirty, dilapidated, polluted, crime-ridden area? Or would you prefer to buy real estate in a low-crime area that’s pristine, has lots of greenery, low pollution, access to high-quality education, and well-functioning infrastructures? Think about it that way.
  • Not thinking long term: If you are still consuming conventional food because organic food is “too expensive,” it’s a matter of perspective. You are right, organic food is more expensive than conventional food. However, is it really expensive in the big picture? How about illness? How expensive is being sick? Is saving some dollars worth your health? Being sick means doctor visits, medications, medical procedures, and a poor quality of life. All these factors are way more expensive.


Time to Prioritize Your Health

The food you consume is not an irrelevant issue, it’s extremely important. What you put into your body has a direct impact on your health and the quality of your life, as well as your family’s well-being. Consuming foods higher in toxins and lower in nutrients equates to a higher risk of disease. The issue boils down to your appreciation for your body and the state of your health. When you take your health for granted and don’t take responsibility for it, you pay for the consequences of those choices sooner or later.

When you think about the price of organic food, remember that you pay a high price either way. You can pay a higher price for your food now or you pay a much higher price when you are sick. This is not only a financial issue – Being ill means time off from work and your loved ones, as well as a lower quality of life.

Organic food is better for your body from a nutritional point of view. It’s also fresher, as well as much more delectable. Plus, your body feels the difference. So, is buying organic food worth it? Well, you tell me!

To a Fitter Healthier You,

Adriana Albritton

The Fitness Wellness Mentor

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