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For men under the age of 45, suicide is the top cause of death. The tragedy of male suicide is compounded by the fact that it is often avoidable if we pay attention to the warning signals and seek to enhance the emotional and psychological well-being of males in our communities and in society as a whole. If you live with a male, regardless of whether he is your spouse, parent, sibling, or housemate, it is important to be aware of the warning flags that can be found in his mental health. Read on to learn important tips for supporting a partner with mental health issues.

Certain symptoms that can lead to suicidal behavior are more likely to be experienced by men than they are by women. Increased impulsivity, risk-taking, aggressiveness, and impatience are some examples of these characteristics. Additionally, rather than talking about the emotions they are experiencing related to depression and/or PTSD, males are more likely to resort to substance and alcohol abuse as an alternative.

Start a Conversation

It is crucial to have a chat with him about his mental health, actions, and mood. A straightforward inquiry into his well-being is a good place to start, but you may also bring up the fact that you have observed some behavioral changes in him and are worried about him. Make it clear to him how much you value your relationship with him and let him know that you are always there for him to talk to whenever he feels the need.

Keep in mind that it is possible that he will not want to talk, will not accept that there is a problem, or might even get angry or offended if you bring it up in this initial conversation. If you do bring it up, keep in mind that it is possible that he will do any of these things. In spite of the fact that this is cause for concern, it is in everyone’s best interest not to press him to talk if he is not yet prepared to do so. Make him aware of places like The Insight Clinic that can support him. It will make a significant difference for him to be aware that he has your support, and we can only hope that this will encourage him to be more forthcoming in the future.

Eliminate Negative/Harmful Behaviors

Some people use drugs, alcohol, food, porn, or gambling to deal with uncomfortable feelings. Even though these negative and even harmful behaviors might seem to work in the short term, using them to cope with emotions and life only makes things worse in the long run. In many cases, the damage is not only emotional but physical as well. You can help your loved one highlight the negative consequences of these negative behaviors. You can also help him substitute them for healthy habits. This is another tip for supporting a partner with mental health issues.

Eat Nutritious Meals

After a long day at work, it might be quite tempting to quickly throw together some manufactured meal in the microwave or, even worse, to order in every single night. This is because our lives are extremely hectic. These meals are not only high in sodium, processed sugar, additives, and harmful toxins but they are also missing important nutrients that our bodies need.

Healing the gut has a direct effect on healing the brain since most neurotransmitters are located in the gut. You should incorporate probiotics and essential components into your meals in order to enjoy a healthy diet. It is a good idea to plan and prepare simple meals during the weekend if you are too busy to cook during the week.


Another helpful tip for supporting a partner with mental health issues is to practice mindfulness. The practice of mindfulness is a potent method that can significantly improve a person’s mental and emotional health. The practice enables people to better manage and control where they direct their focus. Switching the focus from the negative to the positive rather than ruminating on the terrible events or circumstances that have occurred helps improve mental health.

Engaging in certain mindfulness practices each day or becoming more present about regular life activities can accomplish this objective. One of the principles aims to deal with obstacles and situations as they occur moment by moment instead of catastrophizing about the what-ifs. Either way, you can get closer to achieving your goal. 

Sleep Soundly

When it comes to how we sleep, the vast majority of us have really poor habits. Staying up too late, not keeping a regular bedtime, drinking alcohol or caffeinated drinks, and watching television or using electronic devices such as cell phones and tablets right up to the moment when we go to sleep are some of the activities that interfere with the quality of sleep. Integrating sleep hygiene tips can allow everyone at home to enjoy the invigorating and restorative power of sleep and will benefit his emotional well-being.

Following some of the tips described above can help you support a partner with mental health issues. Even if the mental health of men is in a crisis right now, every guy can take steps to improve his own odds of survival and prevent himself from becoming simply another statistic and partners can help to facilitate this.

To a Fitter Healthier You,

Adriana Albritton

The Fitness Wellness Mentor

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