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Weight lifters ask their muscles to perform super-human feats, but there’s no way to train your body to super-heal. So while it’s natural—even a badge of honor—to feel sore after a workout, some aches are the precursors to injury. Try these tips on reducing back pain while weight lifting so that it doesn’t develop into something worse.

Start Slowly

You’re probably impatient to see the results of all the hard work you’ve been doing, but taking on more weight before you’re ready will give you the wrong kind of pain. Even picking up something too heavy can injure you. There are no shortcuts, so put in the time to build steadily toward the big plates.

Strengthen Your Back

A way to reduce back pain while weight lifting is by strengthening your back. Research shows that strength training and exercise have positive results for people with back pain. Working out the muscles that support the spine helps to remove pressure from the spinal discs and facet joints, alleviate stiffness, improve mobility and circulation, and release endorphins, which can naturally relieve pain.

Use Your Core

Those abs aren’t just for show. One of the key tips on reducing back pain while weight lifting is that your “guns” can’t do it alone. Whatever you’re lifting or strengthening, keep your abdominal muscles engaged and that core tight. Your spine needs protection, or it won’t just be “the burn” you’re feeling—it’ll be something more permanent.

See a Chiropractor

Tips on Reducing Back Pain While Weight Lifting

Another tip to prevent back pain is by seeing a specialist. Most of the time, we don’t go to see a specialist until we’re hurt. But weight lifting is all about form, and a chiropractor can make sure your spine has the correct alignment before there’s a problem. Even non-athletes make it a habit to visit a chiropractor regularly. Take advantage of different massage techniques to relieve muscle pain, and ask an expert for more ideas for protecting your back. They often have advice you won’t get at the gym.

Use the Right Fuel

Food directly affects your muscle development, so you should spend as much time planning your meals as you do planning your workouts. Your diet is the cornerstone of a healthy body and a healthy mind. Additionally, there are products on the market that can help your performance. For instance, consuming 10 grams of whey protein before a lifting session and 10 grams after can help build a leaner physique as well as prevent delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS). If you feel as though you’ve had enough water, drink a little more; you should be drinking at least half your body weight in ounces of water every day.

Strength training is necessary to keep your body healthy. So start slowly, strengthen your back, use your core, see a chiropractor, fuel your body properly to help you reduce back pain while weight lifting.

To A Fitter Healthier You,

FitnAll Family

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